Wallace, Mackenzie and Hill: Let's include 'walkability' in future plans for Ottawa

By Janet Mark Wallace, Carolyn Mackenzie, Rosaline Hill, Ottawa Citizen, June 24, 2021

The City of Ottawa’s draft Official Plan forecasts that Ottawa’s existing neighbourhoods will increase in population by roughly 50 per cent over the next 25 years. As we await the second draft of the plan, many people are wondering how all the new housing will fit in.

Walkable Ottawa, founded in May 2020, seeks to answer this very question. It advocates for low-rise infill intensification that makes neighbourhoods better; gives more space to people and less to automobiles; more to trees and less to paving; more to walkable amenities and no more at all to big-box stores. This is a vision of added population making our neighbourhoods safer, more interesting and more inclusive.

Find the whole article here.

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