Ottawa falling behind on climate change action plan

By Laura Glowacki, CBC Ottawa, April 18, 2023

While some progress is being made, Ottawa isn't meeting its own targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or increase climate change resiliency according to goals set out in the climate change master plan, the city's environment and climate change committee heard Tuesday.

"I'd probably give us a B," said Capital Coun. Shawn Menard, who chairs the environment committee, when asked what grade he would give Ottawa on climate change progress.

... (Andrea) Flowers said new annual funding of $5 million for her office laid out in this year's budget will help make up some of the lost ground. 

...The environment committee unanimously supported several staff recommendations, including to lobby upper levels of government for more climate change funding and looking at the feasibility of setting carbon budgets for city departments to encourage climate accountability across city services.

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