New pollinator hotspots and edible landscapes on campus

By Nicholas Socholotiuk, The Fulcrum, September 5, 2023

Green initiatives on campus are blooming into fruition with recent additions to the pollinator gardens and edible landscapes on campus over the summer.

All across campus, students are able to find a wide variety of new and exciting plants placed over the summer as part of the Nature Positive Pledge undertaken by the University of Ottawa.

...“We’ve started looking at different places on campus where we can take like monoculture grasses and so forth, and replace those with more pollinator species to increase the biodiversity on campus,” (Jonathan Rausseo) said.

... “The edible landscapes are a somewhat sister initiative to [the pollinator gardens]…[it is about] adding more edible fruits, vegetables, bushes, and trees into the landscape on campus.” she said. Traditionally, what we’ve seen in the past is a lot of grassy areas, some nice mix trees, and we’ve seen lots of annual flowers for the summertime,” Gordon added. “Now, all those things are really nice, but it’s nice to be able to add a bit more diversity and mixture in there.”

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