Grover and Matkovsky: On-demand bus service won't fix Ottawa's transit woes

By Taras Matkowshy and Nick Grover, Ottawa Citizen Op-Ed, May 10, 2021

OC Transpo and city councillors are looking for ways to spend less on public transportation in Ottawa. Coun. Carol Anne Meehan has proposed “on-demand transit” as a way to cut transit spending while maintaining service as pandemic bus ridership remains low.

...The city of Ottawa isn’t broke, but council sure acts like it when it comes to providing basic services like transit. The city has no problem funding road expansion projects such as Strandherd Drive, where $112 million has been earmarked to add two lanes on a few kilometres of road. Council could easily reallocate this towards transit and serve far more people. 

Find the whole article here.

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