Denley: OC Transpo is right to test 'on demand' bus service — but must do it properly

By Randall Denley, Ottawa Citizen Op-Ed, July 11, 2023

OC Transpo’s tentative exploration of on-demand transit is a modest step, but at least it’s in the right direction. It’s quite a departure from Transpo’s traditional approach of determining when and where transit will run, then expecting you to adapt your life to the transit company’s schedule. Instead, on-demand transit is responsive to passengers’ varying needs.

....One of OC Transpo’s biggest challenges is restructuring its route system to accommodate transit supply to current transit demand. Bus ridership ranges between 70 and 75 per cent of pre-pandemic volumes. It will take a substantial change in routes and service levels to bring supply in line with demand. There is probably no popular way to do that, but on-demand transit, if deployed during weekday hours, could help close the gaps.


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