Lanark County moves forward with Climate Action Plan

By Perth News, InsideOttawaValley, July 27, 2020

Since adopting its Climate Action Plan in January 2020, Lanark County has taken some decisive actions toward achieving goals for sustainability.

Protecting and enhancing the natural environment is a core strategy in the county’s 2005 Strategic Plan, and council established “climate and environment” as one of its top five priorities for this term.

“We need a holistic approach with a multitude of strategies in order to reach a level of sustainability in our county,” explains chief administrative officer Kurt Greaves. “Climate change and environmental degradation are defining challenges of our time.”

A work plan outline set goals for this year and includes strategies related to grant research and applications, homes, forests and farms, industry, waste diversion, transportation, municipal buildings, and public engagement.


Currently, a Transportation survey is being conducted to gather information on the current level of greenhouse gas emissions. The public is asked to help by completing the survey

Homeowners can get involved in reducing emissions related to heating and cooling with the “Insulate Lanark” program, which piggybacks the existing “Renovate Lanark” program. Low-income families can apply for funds to help insulate their homes.

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