'It's time to recognize the destruction': Gypsy moth infestation destroying Lanark County trees

By Yonna Murphy, InsideOttawaValley, July 27, 2020

At first glance, nothing seemed amiss at Dan Woods and Tineke Doornbosch’s five-acre wooded property in Tay Valley Township. Flowers bloomed everywhere, the shrubs and trees were lush and green, and birds could be heard chirping on a sunny July afternoon. 

But look closer and one can see the devastation brought about by a two-inch predator — the invasive Gypsy moth.

Mature, 100-year-old oak and pine trees in his property looked sickly, with bare branches and thin foliage, remnants of a month-long defoliation brought on by the Gypsy moth.


“Gypsy Moths know no borders. They’re at home throughout the United States and in recent decades, throughout many parts of Canada as well,” Woods explained.

There are a few things that can be done to mitigate the Gypsy moth infestation.

“Major municipalities in southern Ontario along the Niagara, Hamilton and Toronto corridor have aerial sprayed gypsy moth caterpillars in the last couple of years,” Woods said.

“It’s time municipal, regional and provincial authorities recognize the destruction they’re causing to our eastern Ontario forests as well, and aerial spray them here too. Our forests are far too valuable to ‘just do nothing,’” said Woods. 


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