Planning committee rejects Orléans apartment complex

By Kate Porter, CBC News Ottawa, June 11, 2020

An eight-building apartment complex on Innes Road in Orléans is just too much, and not in keeping with zoning rules for the neighbourhood, the city's planning committee decided Thursday.

The committee, in agreement with city staff, voted 8-1 to reject the developer's request to alter the city's official plan to make way for the project. Only Kitchissippi Coun. Jeff Leiper voting against the grain.

The city received written feedback from nearly 400 residents, three-quarters of them opposed to Groupe Lépine's plan for a 1,320-apartment complex on what's long been a driving range.


The proposal comes as the city is engaged in debate over intensifying existing neighbourhoods to accommodate its growing population. 

"I support intensification. I'm going to be pushing for tall buildings in the east end," said Innes ward Coun. Laura Dudas, whose residents have been fighting the project over the past year.

"It's coming and I'm going to welcome it, [but it] has to be in the right place and it has to fit the character of the surrounding community," she said.

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